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Back in 2007 an experimental live play podcast was conceived. The podcast revolved around a group of friends attempting to learn how to play Dungeons and Dragons. This design was inspired by graphing paper typically used for planning by dungeon masters.


A business card with two QR codes was the goal. While embracing modern minimalism.

The design is eye-catching but made with the mindset that in the end, a business card will remain in ownership no more than two weeks realistically before being discarded.


The iris design on the front suggests a visual eye that draws attention to the first QR code that leads to a resume kept online. The iris design bleeding off of the page edge implies a viewpoint of a bigger picture.


The second page is straightforward while adding a human element. Printed basic contact information while also displaying the second QR code which, when scanned, imports full contact info directly into the phone including websites and social media links.

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A personal trainer came to me for a new brand logo. After discussing their training style at length I helped them boil down their ideology into a short slogan to fit at the top of their logo.


The Yin Yang symbol is referencing their personal tattoo while also further pushing their viewpoint of balance in regards to health. Further, the line separating the yin and yang subtly references the "runner's form" and brings the running silhouette into a more motion-like appearance.

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